This DLC supports 16 models and 2 bases.
Most body modification shape-keys are supported.
Bases DLC is NOT intended for other pre-setup models!
Facial Gestures & Visemes are also supported.
This DLC requires VRCFury.
All setup instructions are provided for each model and bases.
(please read them carefully)
What does this DLC have to offer?
16 Models & 2 Bases
Rigged and Ready to Go!
Simple Drag & Drop Prefab
w/ instructions
Material Setup
(Uses Poiyomi Toon & Lil Toon Options)
Phys Bones Setup
(All on separate game object for easy editing)
7 Color Options
(Easily Customizable)
(requires VRCFury)
Including Menus, Animations, Toggles, and Icons
Outfit Includes
Top, Skirt, Under Garment, Sleeves, Boots, Head Piece, 2 Sets of Horns, Tail & Piercings
Whilst you can drag and drop, some toggles might not work directly together with each models outfits, make sure to read the instructions and toggle what you need ingame!
Materials : 3
Polys : 119k
Meshes : 12
Bones : 70
(Statistics might change depending on each DLC due to different formations)
Supported Models
(help me stop please)
wulfgang by apyr
GodMagician by Godfall
Kiss by SushiQM
Shinano by ponderogen
Moe by kyubi
Selestia by jingo
VRBase [ E-Girl ] by Zinpia
Credits: Model by Rxsii, Back Hair
Nila by CrunchyFrajs
Riley by Heartmarksmen
Sol By Datguyful
Rosary By Bambi
God Revenger by Godfall
Sirai & Lyria By Flexuh
Emmigos By FXV.
Schala By Beardiechan
Sophie By Heartmarksman
Ryuu By Holoexe
Tengu by Heartmarksman
Terms Of Use
All DLC and Bundle are for Personal Use Only
If using for any monetized/paywall content, you must purchase the Commercial License.
You can upgrade your Personal License to a Commercial License, just message me!
If/when posting on any social platform, you must credit me!
(ie, a comment w/ a link, tagging my socials and/or store, or a direct tag/link on your posts)
You are not allowed to resell, redistribute, or make this "At Your Service DLC" available to the public or those who have not purchased the appropriate license.
You are allowed to Edit, Separate & Use ANY parts for Personal Use.
For Commercial Use, you must purchase the Commercial License ONLY
Commercial License, Terms Of Use
You are allowed to use for monetized/paywall content. (TikTok, Patreon, Twitch, etc)
You are free to edit, separate & Use ANY parts for Commercial Use (No Redistributing) when purchasing Commercial License.
You are allowed to use for Commissions.
(Both Commissioner and Customer must own the assets)
Commissioners must purchase the commercial version.
Not Allowed
You are NOT allowed to use on a For Sale or Full Model.
You are not allowed to resell, redistribute, or make this "At Your Service DLC" available to the public or those who have not purchased the appropriate license.
You are NOT allowed to make your own DLC with these assets for commercial use or redistribute to others.
Do NOT sell on it's own, edited or not.
Do NOT claim as your own, edited or not.
You are NOT allowed to use for Free/Nitro/For Sale/Full Models.
You are NOT allowed to allow people to take the assets off your models for personal or commercial, it must be purchased from me. (please state this when selling)
Do NOT upload to any platform other than VRChat without my explicit permission. (Eg. ChilloutVR, paraspace, etc)
If there is any confusion with these terms of use, then feel free to message me on discord!
By Purchasing, you automatically agree to these terms!
(Changes made on 17/02/2025 3:37PM AEDT)
Purchasing the Full Bundle will allow for free updates if I choose to add this DLC onto other models! If there's any other models or bases that you'd like me to add, then feel free to create a ticket in my server or DM me on discord!
(Although keep in mind, this is not guaranteed)
Massive Thank You!
Sushi for the amazing support, allowing me to use her models, be my hype man and show her amazing support for not only me but my creations, thank you.. <3
Silki, Kyo, DaiRoka for gifting me the booth models!
(They won't let me give them anything back >:c)
Michi for the amazing dancing and support!
Kiga for testing and taking photos for me!
aswell as All the Creators for allowing me to add this DLC on their models!
(Check out their models above!)
tags: maid, latex, punk, straps, buckles, at your service, dlc, LF, outfit, boots, top, skirt, dress, frills, frilly, booth, gumroad, baddie, master, controller, tied, bow, bows, tail, devil, horns, tag, collar, apron, spikes, spikey, dance, dancer, dancing, rigged, vrcfury, leather, vrmodels, ripperstore, leaked, please don't use leaks <3